About OTV

The OTV PODCAST was developed to spotlight the ETF industry through discussions with ETF experts but also including a trader’s viewpoint. The OTV PODCAST will showcase innovation in the industry and include dynamic conversations.

Chris Hempstead

Managing Director & Head of ETF and Global Portfolio Trading Mirae Asset Securities

Chris Hempstead is Managing Director & Head of ETF and Global Portfolio Trading. Chris is an ETF and Portfolio Trader helping trading desks, asset managers, and ETF issuers navigate the ETF landscape. Chris has established Mirae as an ETF Authorized Participant for some of the largest ETF trusts. Chris has established global portfolio trading to support ETF managers and the general needs of other trading clients. He assists managers in executing portfolio rebalancings for non-transparent ETFs while working with issuers on ETF listings and secondary market trading support.

Mirae Asset Securities

Mirae Asset Securities (USA) Inc. (“Mirae”) operates a leading institutional capital markets platform to service investors with complex global needs. Mirae is an SEC registered broker-dealer and FINRA member with affiliates across the world’s major markets. Mirae Asset Financial group (which includes Mirae) and its affiliates operate in 17 markets across 5 continents and have worldwide assets under management exceeding $548 billion as of March 2023.
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